CAD (solid) models
Support documents providing advice and assistance on importing and working with CAD (solid) models in Productivity+™ applications.
Productivity+™ CAD (solid) model support documents
Help file: Support/knowledgebase material: Imported model appears as individual bodies
When a solid model is imported into Productivity+™ Active Editor Pro, it may appear as individual bodies or sheets rather than as a single, complete body. This document describes how to select the individual bodies which comprise the model.
Help file: Support/knowledgebase material: CATIA solid model files containing Unicode characters in their file/path name fail to import
Importing a CATIA® solid model on a PC with certain ‘Regional and Language Options’ settings may result in an error due to Unicode characters within the file or path. This document describes methods to overcome this issue.
Help file: Support/knowledgebase material: Managing solid model/CAD model import issues
Solid model import issues are common for CAD-based software and can manifest themselves in a number of ways. This document outlines various work-arounds to a number of these import issues.
Help file: Support/knowledgebase material: Importing a solid model from a local area network (LAN) causes a runtime error
Importing a solid model file into Productivity+™ Active Editor Pro from a network location which the user does not have write access to may generate a runtime error and cause a crash. This document provides a solution.
Help file: Support/knowledgebase material: Solid model compatibility
Productivity+™ Active Editor Pro has the ability to import multiple solid models, which can then be used to select measured features. Models created using a number of common formats are supported, some as standard, and others via the purchase of additional CAD importers. This document provides a record of the compatible file types and CAD package releases/versions that can be used to create solid models for use with Productivity+ Active Editor Pro.