
UCCassist-2 is Renishaw's commissioning, calibration, diagnostics and maintenance software package.
UCCassist-2 creates a commissioning sequence based upon the CMM systems specification. This sequence is then used by the engineer during commissioning and ensures that all steps are performed at the correct time.
The calibration sequences within UCCassist-2 have allowed Renishaw to permit every engineer that performs a calibration to sign the certificate themselves. This is because the sequence does not permit any actions that are outside the 'rules' of ISO10360-2. If a CMM has an issue that means it falls outside of these rules then the engineer can issue a non accredited calibration certificate.
The diagnostics screens give the ability to very quickly and easily interrogate the system to determine the cause of any faults that may occur.
A maintenance sequence specific to your system can be created for the CMM operators / plant maintenance to follow on a regular basis.