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UCCsuite software

UCCsuite software download and upgrade considerations

For an overview of the implications of updating your UCCsuite software please visit the UCCsuite software download and upgrade considerations page. If in doubt, please contact your local Renishaw support for guidance.

Current software

For additional changes please see the release notes in the download files.

UCCsuite 5.10.3

Main features of 5.10.3 release

  • Resolution to configuring uncalibrated RSP3 when changing from NoTool

Previous software versions

UCCsuite 4.8.4 for MMI-1 legacy

Main features of V4.8.4 release

  • Manual CMM support for systems using UCC T3 and UCClite-2 controllers
  • Commissioning fixes for manual CMMs
  • Adds support for the heads PH1, PH5, PH5/1, MIP
  • Form and EOffsets found correctly during manual calibration

Support for UCCT3 and UCClite-2 controllers stopped at version 4.8. This service pack resolves the above issues while remaining with the 4.8 main version.

UCCsuite 5.10.2

Main features of 5.10.2 release

  • Resolution to ACR3 location on Horizontal head systems
  • Addition of RSP2 diamond styli to the catalog

UCCsuite 5.10.1

Main features of 5.10.1 release

  • Add the ability to use a temperature reading to compensate the calibration sphere
  • Full SFP2 Calibration Assignment improvements

UCCsuite 5.10

Main features of 5.10 release

  • Removing XML Monitoring support from UCCserver
  • RUP probe firmware update
  • CMM motor commutation fail during Configure for Motion
  • Update to RVP and RFP firmware
  • PH20 Probe Length Correction
  • SFP2 Firmware update

Known issues

  • A PtMeas via a block using Tool. Alignment can use the wrong .prb file - Because PtMeas is a nonblocking command, fundamentally the PtMeas command will finish processing before all the moves have finished.
    So, the bug still exists, but when inspecting the advanced tree you'll occasionally see the active Head Orientation change, until such a time when all the PtMeas's have been processed and the last prb is active for the remaining touch point moves.
  • Locating an equipment group using a TDA - When creating an EquipmentGroup in UCCserver, you can populate the group with various items that are logically grouped in terms of their placement in the environment. However, there is an issue if the first item added to the group is a TDA. If locating the entire group (which uses the first item in the group) and this first item is a TDA, the vector calculations can go awry leading to all items in the group having incorrect location directions. This is a rare, niche scenario but is easily avoided if ensuring that the first item added to an EquipmentGroup is a non-TDA e.g. a rack.
  • Deviation pop-up in ISO10360-3 sequence - When running the ISO10360-3 sequence through UCCassist-2; deviations will be reported to the user in a pop-up box which can be ignored, and the certificate will still be produced without issue.
  • SetProp commands in a block will report an error even if they have been actioned - If a non-blocking SetProp() command is included in a block of queued commands to UCCserver, the command will be actioned once it has been acknowledged. However, if a subsequent queued command then errors out, UCCserver will report an error for the SetProp() command, even though the command itself has completed successfully.

UCCsuite 5.9.2

Main features of 5.9.2 release

  • Turning TEC on/off is incorrectly affecting error map status

  • Known issues

    • SFP2 rack changing and firmware compatibility- Issues with a particular combination of SFP2 electronics and SFP2 firmware can cause issues when picking up SFM modules from the rack. The issue is not present when the SFP2 probe and SFM modules are stored as a single component in the rack. Investigations are still underway to identify the affected version(s) and what resolutions will be available. For more information, please contact the support team.
    • CMM motor commutation fail during Configure for Motion - An issue has been identified whereby intermittently the “Configure for Motion” action could fail on a brushless motor system with “Commutation angle find failed”. Performing a reboot of the system should be sufficient to resolve this issue. For more information, please contact the support team.
    • Retract(-1) behaviour for manual touches - When PtMeasPar.Retract() is set to -1, the backoff distance applied for all touches is set to the PtMeasPar.Approach() + PtMeasPar.Search() values. However, an issue has been discovered that when changing the Search() property, the backoff distance is not being updated. Changing the Approach() property will correctly update the backoff calculation, and this issue only affects touches taken manually (e.g. with an MCU) – any PtMeas commands issued will retract to the correct position as there is additional logic within the controller to manage the retract position.

UCCsuite 5.9.1

Main features of 5.9.1 release

  • UCCassist licensing
  • RUP1 cap change routine changes
  • New bed-mounted variant of the TDA

  • Known issues

    • In UCCsuite 5.7.1, an issue was fixed with AHIP probes (RVP and RFP) not correctly handling the rotary table position during image capture and analysis. It has been discovered that the result of a PtMeas performed with an AHIP probe will be returned in the R(0) position, regardless of the current table rotation. Until this is resolved, it is advised to not use the PtMeas function with an AHIP probe on a rotary table, but RWImageCapture() commands will work as expected when using UCCsuite 5.7.1 or later.
    • If an environment has multiple TDA components included, and one of these TDAs is included in an EquipmentGroup in the same rack as a Tool with TipCorrect enabled, then, regardless of which TDA is currently assigned to the tool, UCCserver will perform the TipCorrect on the closest TDA in the EquipmentGroup following a ChangeTool() command. This can mean that the TipCorrect can be done on an incorrect TDA. This, albeit niche, scenario can be avoided by removing all TDA components from EquipmentGroups until this logic has been resolved.

UCCsuite 5.9

Main features of 5.9 release

  • Software support for new RTP1 probes
  • New UCCserver support screen
  • UCCserver graphics overhaul
  • SFP2 verification routine
  • Sphere stalk temperature compensation
  • RUP1-300-A000 support

  • Known issues

    • In UCCsuite 5.7.1, an issue was fixed with AHIP probes (RVP and RFP) not correctly handling the rotary table position during image capture and analysis. It has been discovered that the result of a PtMeas performed with an AHIP probe will be returned in the R(0) position, regardless of the current table rotation. Until this is resolved, it is advised to not use the PtMeas function with an AHIP probe on a rotary table, but RWImageCapture() commands will work as expected when using UCCsuite 5.7.1 or later.


    • There is updated firmware available for the RVP and RFP1 probes in UCCsuite v5.9 or onwards. Performing a “Configure for Motion” in UCCassist-2 will prompt the system to check for available firmware updates for any connected RVP/RFP1 probes. If the firmware can be updated, then the user will be directed to the UCCassist-2 firmware update action.

UCCsuite 5.8.6


  • Issue with installed drivers in UCCsuite v5.8.5 – please upgrade any existing UCCsuite v5.8.5 systems to UCCsuite v5.8.6 to avoid issues when running some functionality.

UCCsuite 5.8.5

Main features of 5.8.5 release

  • UCCassist licensing
  • Updated REVO-2 firmware
  • Corrected Registry entries
  • RWOpenPort() errors


  • UCCsuite v5.8.5 includes an update to the REVO-2 firmware. This update includes a variety of minor improvements surrounding tool/rack changing and probe identification. When performing a Connect & Configure for Motion in UCCassist-2 in UCCsuite v5.8.5 with a relevant REVO-2 head, UCCassist-2 will prompt to update the firmware and navigate to the firmware updater action, which will allow the firmware to be updated.

UCCsuite 5.8.3

Main features of 5.8.3 release

  • Temperature compensation channel offsets
  • Unable to log into UCCassist-2 using licence files


  • There is new firmware for the RVP and RFP probes that is required for use with UCCsuite V5.7 or later. Any existing RVP/RFP probes will need to have their firmware updated using the UCCassist-II firmware update process. Any new RVP/RFP probes purchased after the release of UCCsuite V5.7 will have this firmware already installed. This firmware is not backwards compatible with older versions of UCCsuite so any new probes used in older installations will require a firmware change to resolve this. Please contact Renishaw customer support for more details.

UCCsuite 5.8.2

Main features of 5.8.2 release

  • Tool alignment behaviour for ACM (and other cranks)


  • There is new firmware for the RVP and RFP probes that is required for use with UCCsuite V5.7 or later. Any existing RVP/RFP probes will need to have their firmware updated using the UCCassist-II firmware update process. Any new RVP/RFP probes purchased after the release of UCCsuite V5.7 will have this firmware already installed. This firmware is not backwards compatible with older versions of UCCsuite so any new probes used in older installations will require a firmware change to resolve this. Please contact Renishaw customer support for more details.

UCCsuite 5.8.1

Main features of 5.8.1 release

  • RUP1 ultrasonic probe measurement at A0
  • Deskey dongles for UCCassist-2
  • Support for Talyvel 6
  • MMI-2 mapping


  • There is new firmware for the RVP and RFP probes that is required for use with UCCsuite V5.7 or later. Any existing RVP/RFP probes will need to have their firmware updated using the UCCassist-II firmware update process. Any new RVP/RFP probes purchased after the release of UCCsuite V5.7 will have this firmware already installed. This firmware is not backwards compatible with older versions of UCCsuite so any new probes used in older installations will require a firmware change to resolve this. Please contact Renishaw customer support for more details.

UCCsuite 5.8

Main features of 5.8 release

  • Support for the RUP1 ultrasonic probe
  • Automated UCCserver Catalog updating
  • Reducing the time taken to apply a *.prb file


  • There is a new firmware included in UCCsuite v5.8 for the UCCT5 and UCCS5 controllers. This firmware includes essential updates required for RUP1 operation. To update the UCC controller, use the firmware update action in UCCassist-2. Please contact Renishaw support for more details.

Known issues

  • RUP1 measurement at A0B0. Due to the variability in the ultrasound axis vector of RUP1 probes, there is the potential for a requested thickness measurement at A0B0 to return “Head orientation not achievable”. Some investigation work is underway to explore ways to improve this situation. This situation can be prevented by avoiding RUP1 thickness measurements at (or very close to) A0B0. For more details, please contact Renishaw support.

UCCsuite 5.7.2

Main features of 5.7.2 release

  • Resolved Issue with ClientTool / tool offsets
  • REVO motor heating can cause uncontrolled motion


  • There is new firmware for the RVP and RFP probes that is required for use with UCCsuite V5.7 or later. Any existing RVP/RFP probes will need to have their firmware updated using the UCCassist-II firmware update process. Any new RVP/RFP probes purchased after the release of UCCsuite V5.7 will have this firmware already installed. This firmware is not backwards compatible with older versions of UCCsuite so any new probes used in older installations will require a firmware change to resolve this. Please contact Renishaw customer support for more details.

Known issues

  • It has been discovered that, since UCCsuite v5.6.2, there is a scenario which allows the system to take a touch using an uncalibrated touch trigger tool.
    This is an incredibly unlikely scenario, and will be resolved in a subsequent UCCsuite release, but users are encouraged to remain vigilant and follow standard procedure during tool management & calibrations to avoid this scenario.


  • When importing an environment into UCCserver from pre-UCCsuite V5.7 into UCCsuite V5.7 or later, users will need to edit the imported environment to browse for the correct machine *.ini file to reflect the ProgramData migration changes introduced.

UCCsuite 5.6.3

Main features of 5.6.3 release

  • UCCserver dialog boxes shrinking


  • None


  • None

UCCsuite 5.7.1

Main features of 5.7.1 release

  • Support for rotary tables with RVP and RFP
  • MMI-2 GetXtdErrStatus() responses
  • Removal of SigPlus drivers from the installation


  • There is new firmware for the RVP and RFP probes that is required for use with UCCsuite V5.7 or later. Any existing RVP/RFP probes will need to have their firmware updated using the UCCassist-2 firmware update process. Any new RVP/RFP probes purchased after the release of UCCsuite V5.7 will have this firmware already installed. This firmware is not backwards compatible with older versions of UCCsuite so any new probes used in older installations will require a firmware change to resolve this. Please contact Renishaw customer support for more details.

Known issues

  • There is an issue in systems utilising the ClientTool mechanism (where the client software is responsible for the calibration and application of Tool offsets). In some cases, when a GoTo(Tool.A(), Tool.B()) command is issued, the system could potentially use incorrect tool offsets. This means that the X(), Y(), Z() position in the system can be incorrect in these scenarios.
    Note it has just been discovered that this behaviour has been present in the system since UCCsuite V5.6.


  • When importing an environment into UCCserver from pre-UCCsuite V5.7 into UCCsuite V5.7 or later, users will need to edit the imported environment to browse for the correct machine *.ini file to reflect the ProgramData migration changes introduced.

UCCsuite 5.7

Main features of 5.7 release

  • Support for BS EN ISO 10360-5:2020
  • RVP Angle change mirror (ACM)
  • Data files move from the ProgramFiles folder to the ProgramData folder
  • Support for new surface finish modules : SFM-C3, SFM-G1, SFM-H1


  • There is new firmware for the RVP and RFP probes that is required for use with UCCsuite V5.7. Any existing RVP/RFP probes will need to have their firmware updated using the UCCassist-II firmware update process. Any new RVP/RFP probes purchased after the release of UCCsuite V5.7 will have this firmware already installed. This firmware is not backwards compatible with older versions of UCCsuite so any new probes used in older installations will require a firmware change to resolve this. Please contact Renishaw customer support for more details.


  • It has been discovered that the rotary table co-ordinate system information is not being used when performing RFP and RVP image analysis. This means that any results produced will be in MCS, regardless of the co-ordinate system active in UCCserver. The only workaround for this is to disable any rotary co-ordinate systems when performing any RVP/RFP image analysis.
  • When importing an environment into UCCserver from pre-UCCsuite V5.7 into UCCsuite V5.7 or later, users will need to edit the imported environment to browse for the correct machine *.ini file to reflect the ProgramData migration changes introduced.

UCCsuite 5.6.2

Main features of 5.6.2 release

  • Tuning changes for the 0.7mm x 20mm stylus on REVO-2
  • Digital signature on UCCassist-2 now correct (resolving SBC156)
  • Support for Renishaw EVOLUTE absolute encoders


  • None


  • None

UCCsuite 5.6.1

Main features of 5.6.1 release

  • The state of the MCU W handset's 'fatal stop' button can be channelled to an uncommitted output pin
  • Corrected the LiveMonitoring *.ini file settings


  • None


  • None

UCCsuite 5.6

Main features of 5.6 release

  • Software support added for the REVO Fringe probe (RFP)
  • Remove support for UCC2-2
  • Firmware update for UCC S5 & UCC T5 controllers
  • The MQTT protocol is now used to pass messages between Renishaw software packages
  • UCCmonitor is now enabled by default


  • None


  • XMLmonitor will be disabled by default.
    • There are still stability issues surrounding the XMLmonitor functionality. Although the UCCmonitor stability has been resolved, the XMLmonitor will still be disabled by default when installing UCCsuite 5.6.
  • UCCServer.ini file sections for LiveMonitoring.
    • In previous versions, the UCCServer.ini file sections surrounding the monitoring functions were rationalised so that they all fell under the [UCCmonitor] heading. However, it's been discovered that, for LiveMonitoring to be enabled, it still requires the following section in the *.ini file:
      • [Monitor]
      • Enabled=true
      • Port=1299

UCCsuite 5.5.1

Main features of 5.5.1 release

  • UCCsuite 5.5 introduced a metrology error when taking touch points with RSP2 & RSP3 probes. The error was exaggerated by a disc or diamond coated stylus. Now fixed in V5.5.1


  • None


  • UCCmonitor and XMLmonitor will be disabled by default in this version (due to crash conditions found late in testing). If a user needs to turn these functions on then there is a risk that the UCCserver program could hang in a "stuck in busy" state

UCCsuite 5.5

Main features of 5.5 release

  • Support for UCC MMI-2
  • RWReQualify(Verify()) function added
  • Thermal Comp – temperature source for Machine and Part decoupled
  • Last release to support UCC2-2
  • UCCmonitor is the new name for Guardian.
  • UCCmonitor and XMLmonitor will be disabled by default (due to crash conditions found late in testing)


  • None


  • UCCmonitor and XMLmonitor will be disabled by default in this version (due to crash conditions found late in testing). If a user needs to turn these functions on then there is a risk that the UCCserver program could hang in a "stuck in busy" state

UCCsuite 5.4.4

Main features of 5.4.4 release

  • Problem accessing the EQIO interface unit from UCCServer
    • The UCCServer application can freeze when accessing the EQIO interface unit. This problem is very intermittent and therefore, it can take some time to manifest itself. This service pack includes a fix to prevent the freeze from happening.

This is the only change in this service pack


  • None


  • None

UCCsuite 5.4.3

Main features of 5.4.3 release

  • XM-600 - UCCassist MkII fixes for sensor offsets and verification runs
  • Additional support for new SFP2 holders - SFH-200 and SFH-300 and module - SFM-B5-5

For further features and bug fixes please see the release notes


  • None


  • None

UCCsuite 5.4.2

Main features of 5.4.2 release

• REVO RSP2 – calibration updates to re-implement outlier rejection
• Parts catalogue updates
• SFP2 calibration plate scan area update – PLATE-1_RA3

For further features and bug fixes please see the release notes


  • None


  • None

UCCsuite 5.4.1

Main features of 5.4.1 release

• Software update to support the latest production standard of XM-600.
• Support added for SFP2 modules that have 5 µm diameter tips.
• PH10M-iQ PLUS support extended to accommodate star styli.
• 5-axis seek moves for SFP2 fixed.
• Firmware update for UCC BI, UCC AI and PI80

For further features and bug fixes please see the release notes


  • None


  • PH20 MT controller – Presently the first probe calibration after the system has been commissioned will fail stating the head has not been calibrated. There is a small edit required to the head file to prevent the error from occurring and customer support should be contacted for further details.

UCCsuite 5.4

Main features of V5.4 release

  • 2 axis load-up for REVO ScanOnCurve() / ScanOnSurface()
  • Linked Calibration – Allowing a single calibration to apply across a group of Tools
  • XM-600 Laser measurement system now supported by UCCassist MkII for error mapping
  • Adding an option for “Safe Z” moves to the rack
  • Guardian, XML Monitoring and logging updates (Including PH20 Touch Counts) – with a view to improvements to diagnostics and preventative maintenance.
  • Absolute scales for CMM axes.
  • Added support for the 0.5 x 20mm long stylus (A-5003-1345) to the RSH-175 stylus holder on the REVO-2 head.

For further features and bug fixes please see the release notes


  • If Guardian and / or XMLMonitoring are required then they must be enabled in the UCCserver.ini file.


  • UCCSuite 5.4 is the penultimate software release that will support UCC2-2 (UCCsuite 5.5 will be the last version to support UCC2-2 and UCCsuite 5.6 will not support UCC2-2)
  • Guardian – Revo Surface Finish and Vision probes do not correctly display calibration states on Guardian Home screen and Current Status screen. The calibrations themselves are not affected

UCCsuite 5.3.3

Main features of 5.3.3 release

  • Updated filtering to support SFM-E2 module for SFP2
  • Improvements to REVO probe calibration for certain equipment configurations.
  • Addition of a 5x10 stylus on RSH-250
  • Updated on-surface tuning for three RSH-175 styli.

For further features and bug fixes please see the release notes


This service pack makes another tuning change for RSH-175 on REVO-2 heads. Therefore, it is essential that RSH-175 probe calibrations are deleted and the probes re-calibrated to take advantage of the new head servo control parameters


  • None

UCCsuite 5.3.2

Main features of V5.3.2 release

  • Updated RSH-175 free space servo parameters
  • Updated free space head servo parameters for rack changing
    and homing.

For further features and bug fixes please see the release notes


  • None

UCCsuite 5.3.1

Main features of V5.3.1 release

  • Qualifying RSP2 after calibration now option.
  • Japanese translations/ character set issues fixed.
  • Current loop tuning during dual drive commissioning fixed.
  • SFP-2 E1 module extended tip find support added.
  • Obstruction detection configuration fixes
  • ISO 10360-2 certificate fix

For further features and bug fixes please see the release notes


  • Same as V5.3 release
  • All UKAS and A2LA accredited engineers must not use
    UCCSuite 5.3 to issue certificates.

UCCsuite 5.3

Main features of 5.3 release

  • Enhanced support for Linear motor CMMs
  • Support for the following interfaces
    • UCC BI (Brushless interface)
    • UCC AI (Analogue interface)
    • UCC PI80 (Probe Interface 80)
  • CMM park volume that asserts a general purpose digital output.
  • Calibration sphere size thermal compensation.
  • Additional (Banner) indicator lamp support.
  • Resolved REVO-2 vibrations (60Hz free space oscillation) seen on some tools on some CMMs.
  • Introduction of Guardian – Application to help resolve, diagnose and track system errors.
  • New SFP2 modules added (SFM B1, SFM D1, SFM C2, SFM E1 and SFM E2)

For further features and bug fixes please see the release notes


  • PH20 – Kinematic vector maths change – When upgrading to this version it would be necessary to verify rack changes function okay and may need to be realigned
  • REVO-2 tuning changes require tool calibrations to be cleared and re-calibrated.
  • If there was an error in a UCCserver custom catalog then previous version failed silently. Now an catalog error is reported and this can cause an error message to appear during an upgrade. Catalog errors in custom catalogs should be eliminated before upgrade.

UCCsuite 5.2.1

Main features of V5.2.1 release

  • SFP2 bug fixes and enhancements including Rotary table safe position fix, adding the new SFPRawData() data type and incoporating the SFP2 modules B1,C2 and D1 into the model catalogue.
  • Revo2 start-up error fix. Resolving the Head not recognised error.
  • PH20 generating the *.HED file correctly during commissioning

For further features and bug fixes please see the release notes


  • The SFP2 rotary table fix for SFP2 calibration plate safe position has introduced another more minor issue. If the SFP2 sensor gain calibration is called on an uncalibrated SFP2 Tool then the head centre of rotation is moved to a position which is a module length above the expected safe position, whereas if the SFP2 Tool is calibrated then the head centre is moved to the expected safe position. Therefore when the safe position is defined approximately 200 mm clearance is required in Z below the Z max limit.
  • PH20 Kinematic vector (introduced in 5.2 to improve the process of aligning racks for better rack changing) has been found to have a maths error in the way the rack port positons are calculated. The effect is small but it means in some cases the “Record Delta” function may be required to fine tune the port position, thus making the system work as it did before the introduction of this kinematic vector.

UCCsuite 5.2

Main features of 5.2 release

  • UCCSuite 5.2 is the first version of software to support Surface Finish Probe 2. SFM-A1 and SFM-A2 modules are supported in this version initially. For support of further module types (for example SFM-B1, SFM-C2 and SFM-D1) please contact Renishaw for details how to configure them.
  • A new method of Motor current based Obstruction Detection is also added

For further features and bug fixes please see the release notes


  • Probes calibration calibration – changes require that the calibrations are cleared and re-run.
  • PH20 Rack alignments. The introduction of the “Kinematic Vector” means that PH20 racks may
    need to be re-aligned. Please see release notes for more details.
  • UCCserver Offline - in some circumstances on close down a crash can be reported “UCCserver has stopped working”. This is only in the case where the system does not have a UCCserver offline licence and the screen with a link on how to obtain a licence is shown. The crash is on exit and has no effect on the system. Please just clear the error.
  • It is expected that UCCsuite V5.3 will be released shortly after this release (by a matter of weeks) and so in some cases it may be worth contacting Renishaw before upgrading to avoid 2 upgrades in quick succession.

UCCsuite 5.1

Main features of V5.1 release

There are a significant number of enhancements and bug fixes in this release of UCCsuite and so it is recommended that you refer to the release notes, but the following headline items have been listed below

  • Support for Windows 10
  • Support for the SPA3-2 amplifier with UCC S5, T5, MT5, S3, T3plus & T3-2 controllers is included in this software release. The SPA3-2 can be used as a replacement for the SPA3 without any changes to software or firmware. However, controllers already deployed in the field will require a firmware update to take advantage of the additional I/O offered by SPA3-2. There are some controller hardware variants that are not capable of receiving the firmware update. The firmware update software will inform the user if this condition is detected.
  • Updated calibration routines for Revo-2.
  • Compressed air conservation logic added.
  • Addition of UCCserver Equipment Groups to allow REVO racks to ‘share' safe positions


  • Clear calibrations and re-calibrate. There have been some significant changes to the format of probe files during this software release therefore, it is essential that any existing probe calibrations are deleted and the probes re-calibrated once this software has been installed.
  • Upgrading systems that make use of EQIO (Equator IO box) will require some manual configuration after the software has been upgraded.
  • UCC T3 and UCClite-2 controllers have not been supported since V4.8 (or V4.8 service packs). Please use the UCCsuite V4.8.x version below for these controller types.

UCCsuite 5.0.5

Main features of 5.0.5 release

This release is a UCCserver only change

UCCserver Updates

  • RSP3 ScanOnCircle – SFA of 270 now supported – additional fix to resolve direction issue, over and above change in this area made in previous 5.0.4 service pack
  • Optical Latch - PI200 Bypass added allowing Optical latch data rate of up to 2000 Hz on UCCT3-2, UCCT3 plus, and UCCS3 controllers
  • RWReQualify(Locate()) - fixing issues that were introduced at UCCsuite 5.0 (Removes error "5060 Cannot locate calibration part with this tool" and eliminates erroneous move back to the previously located position)


  • Tuning updates - Existing SFP1 and PH20 probe calibrations must be cleared and new calibrations conducted if upgrading from earlier than UCCsuite 5.0.4
  • REVO-2 - Changes made to accomodate the 4mm adaptor plate mean that care should be taken with respect to the MountOffsetFromQuill vector. When commissioned through to normal methods this will be accounted for correctly, but when a system has been set up manually and then upgraded, this value should be checked

For more details of the changes please see the release notes

UCCsuite 5.0.4

Main features of 5.0.4 release

  • Tuning updates
    • Updates for vibration issues seen on some CMMs - for Revo SFP1 B axis vibrations and PH20 A axis vibrations
  • UCCserver Updates

    • Quill adaptor bug in graphics fixed (where adaptor was moving as A axis rotated)
    • RSP3 ScanOnCircle - SFA of 270 degrees now supported
    • Optical Latch - MCU point button now generates #GoTo
    • Probe Scale Reading error now gives code 5124
    • New Probe Cleaning command added - RWSetUpForProbeChange()
    • Retract after scan can now be configured to be vector based rather than deflection based
    • Equator IO box can now be used across full range of UCCserver I++ IO commands
    • Multiple Error messages after Estop now suppressed
    • Added ability for a Client to align racks automatically when Offline
    • Revo2 - addition of Quill adaptor means the 4mm Revo2 plate is accounted for as MountOffsetFromQuill vector (previously it was part of the Head's length
    • Additional other minor changes - see release notes


Tuning updates - Existing SFP1 and PH20 probe calibrations must be cleared and new calibrations conducted

REVO-2 - Changes made to accomodate the 4mm adaptor plate mean that care should be taken with respect to the MountOffsetFromQuill vector. When commissioned through to normal methods this will be accounted for correctly, but when a system has been set up manually and then upgraded, this value should be checked

For additional changes please see the release notes

UCCsuite 5.0.3

Main features of 5.0.3 release

  • REVO-2 Servo Tuning (position-control) changes

New free space tuning parameters have been included for RSH-350, RSH-450 and RSH-500. To ensure these parameters are used by the controller software any existing probe calibration will need to be cleared and a full probe calibration performed.

  • Renishaw Mexico added as an A2LA CMM calibration lab

Renishaw Mexico now certified to perform CMM calibrations to ISO 10360 -2 & ISO 10360 -5

  • Dual Scale CMMs commissioning now supported across controller range

The commissioning software now updated to allow a second SPA3 to be used to connect a second Y axis position encoder to support dual scale CMMs across the range of SIB controllers (UCCT3-2, UCCT3 plus, UCCT5, UCCMT5, UCCS3 and UCCS5). This requires the second Y axis position encoder to be connected to the Y axis port on the second SPA3.


  • A graphics display issue has been discovered related to the addition of a Quill adaptor. The adaptor will be drawn in the UCCserver graphics window, but is shown to move, linked to the Probe Heads A axis. This has no effect on the Client viewing software, or the system measurement - it is purely cosmetic in the UCCserver view. This is planned to be fixed in due course but is present in this version and UCCsuite V5.0.2.
  • XP is no longer supported for UCCsuite after the end of 2015. The ability to install has not been removed, but there has been no testing with Windows XP and this version. In the coming UCCSuite 5.1 release the software will no longer install on Windows XP.
  • UCC2 controllers CANNOT be used with this version of software with 5 axis heads (REVO, REVO-2 and PH20) The controller must be upgraded to at least UCC2-2

For additional changes please see the release notes

UCCsuite 5.0.2

Main features of 5.0.2 release

  • UCCserver extended to include Quill Adaptor graphics

A list of adaptor types is now available when adding or editting the machine in UCCserver - Custom quill adaptors can also be added. Please contact Renishaw.

  • External 'EquatorIO' box now supported to control lighting beacons

Support added to UCCserver for external USB driven lighting control box added

  • Allow Tool calibration properties to be set by client write for existing probes

In a special case the client needs to be able to modify the tool calibration properties in UCCserver using ClientWrite for Modus to read back
correct values.

  • PH20MT - Recalibration will now account for small calibration angle error

If UCCServer is performing a re-calibration (i.e. "clear calibration" has not been called first), then an extra move is sent to ensure the required head
angles are used for the calibration.

  • Allow GMEC smoothness constraint to be changed

The ability to turn off the smoothing of straightness has been added to UCCassist MkII


  • XP is no longer supported for UCCsuite after the end of 2015. The ability to install has not been removed, but there has been no testing with Windows XP and this version. In the coming UCCSuite 5.1 release the software will no longer install on Windows XP.
  • UCC2 controllers CANNOT be used with this version of software with 5 axis heads (REVO, REVO-2 and PH20) The controller must be upgraded to at least UCC2-2

For additional changes please see the release notes

UCCsuite 5.0.1

Main features of 5.0.1 release

  • AtNominals() support for ScanOnCurve (3 axis only)

Allow the Client software to configure so that scan points can be returned at the defined nodes, rather than the normal higher density pitch points.

  • Relative Retract added for 5-axis scans

This release impliments Relative Retract for 5 axis scans where the tip will move off the surface in the direction of the probe's deflection a distance
defined by the ScanPar.retract parameter. Relative Retract also applies for Unknown part 3 axis scans, but not for 3 axis known scans.

  • REVO head calibration fix for RSH175

Head "sub divisional error" -SDE- mapping improvement added to V5.0 release was only added for RSH250. Now added for RSH175 also.

  • Remove DX10 SDK from the installation

A conflict was occuring where DX10 SDK files installed by the in the UCCsuite package were conflicting with ones intalled directly. These files
were required for ML10 which is no longer suported in the UCCsuite system and so the dlls are removed.


  • XP will not be supported for UCCsuite after the end of 2015
  • UCC2 controllers CANNOT be used with this version of software with 5 axis heads (REVO, REVO-2 and PH20) The controller must be
    upgraded to at least UCC2-2

For additional changes please see the release notes

UCCsuite 5.0

Main features of 5.0 release

REVO-2 support

  • 2 off SPA3 configuration support
  • RVP (Renishaw Vision Probe) support
  • UCCserver Offline Licensing (Free licence available until end September 2016)
  • MRS2 support
  • Enhancements for Modus 2 support


  • XP will not be supported for UCCsuite after the end of 2015
  • UCC2 controllers CANNOT be used with this version of software with 5-axis heads (REVO, REVO-2 and PH20) The controller must be upgraded to at least UCC2-2

For additional changes please see the release notes