Styli tools Refine by Probing system Renishaw Zeiss 123Next >> Product Unit price Add to cart M2 carbon fibre stylus toolA-5003-2300 $48.00 M5 extension tool, Ø20 mm mountA-5003-6135 $21.00 M2 and M3 stylus toolA-5004-7582 $9.00 M4 stylus toolA-5004-7587 $12.00 M5 stylus toolA-5004-7614 $15.00 M5 extension tool, Ø11 mm mountA-5003-6134 $21.00 Primo™ 3D Tool Setter full stylus assemblyA-5472-3000 $209.00 M2 and M3 stainless steel stylus toolA-5555-0233 $10.00 Steel Allen Key, 10 mmA-5555-2461 $3.00 M5 stainless steel pin type spanner 2.9 x1A-5555-0240 $12.00 123Next >> Shopping security Recall your cart