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Upgrade your legacy Renishaw optical encoder systems

Legacy products are either not recommended for new designs, are available on a last-time-buy, or are being made obsolete. Renishaw offers existing users a range of upgrade options to replace these systems with alternative high-performance Renishaw encoders.

The status of Renishaw legacy encoder systems is shown below, along with recommended alternative encoders to enable you to upgrade your position measurement solutions.

ProductStatusOrders taken untilSuggested alternative

RGH24 readhead

Not recommended for new designs Currently orderableQUANTiC™, VIONiC
RGS20 scaleNot recommended for new designsCurrently orderableRKLC20
RSLR20 scaleNot recommended for new designsCurrently orderable RSLM20
RESR20 scaleNot recommended for new designs Currently orderable RESM20
RESR40 scaleNot recommended for new designsCurrently orderableRESM40
RGH34 readhead + RGI interfaceObsolete No longer orderable


RGH40 readhead

RGH41 readhead

RGH45 readhead

Obsolete No longer orderableQUANTiC
RGS40 scaleObsolete No longer orderableRKLC40
RGSZ20 scaleObsolete No longer orderableRKLC20
RTLR40 scaleObsolete No longer orderableRTLC40
TONiC™ readhead with RGSZ20 scaleObsoleteNo longer orderableTONiC with RKLC20
RGH22 readheadObsolete No longer orderableQUANTiC, VIONiC
RGH20 readhead + REF/REB interfaceObsoleteNo longer orderableQUANTiC, VIONiC
RGH25 readhead + REF/REB interfaceObsoleteNo longer orderableVIONiC
RGH25F UHV readheadObsoleteNo longer orderableTONiC UHV
SiGNUM™ readhead and interfaceObsoleteNo longer orderableTONiC

Installation guides for these legacy products are available here.

Other alternatives might be suitable for your application. Please contact your local Renishaw representative for more details.


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