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QuickViewXL™ real time measurement for XL-80

The simple graphical interface allows very flexible operation, avoiding the need for predefined measurement targets and sequences - just point and measure.

QuickViewXL™ provides the ideal tool for research and development and on the spot analysis as it enables quick and easy investigation, review and characterisation of motion systems such as travel linearity, acceleration times to travel velocity, over-travel and settle times at target positions, as well as resonance and damping.

Functionality and applications for QuickViewXL™

  • Live data capture with 'oscilloscope' type display
  • Data capture rate of 50 kHz
  • Two modes of collating data, continuous "streaming" and triggered
  • Trigger mode allows snap shots of data events to be captured and analysed
  • Data is easily exportable in CSV (exportable to spreadsheet and Mathcad) format for offline analysis
  • Easy to use frequency measurement facility
  • Linear, angular or straightness measurement options
  • Select from distance, velocity and acceleration displays
  • Pan and zoom function enables detailed analysis of re-occurring error sources
  • Using an RSU10 USB interface allows for measurement data to be compatible with LaserXL and QuickViewXL software packages. This provides the ideal solution for users who need to view and analyse real-time dynamic measurement data.

Using an icon based interface, (almost no text) with a single screen for set-up, system status and data view, the 'oscilloscope' function gives a very graphic display of the captured (or 'streaming') data. A separate 'always-on' status bar gives an 'at a glance' view of XL-80, environmental and measurement status and warnings.

For years, electronic engineers have relied on oscilloscopes to study high-speed variations in voltage or current. Now, Renishaw's new QuickViewXL™ software provides mechanical engineers with a similar capability, allowing them to study minute variations in linear, angular or straightness data via displacement, velocity or acceleration displays.

Only specialist equipment can normally pinpoint such characteristics. This greatly extends the capability of the XL-80 laser system and makes it an essential tool in machine condition monitoring programmes.

It has applications anywhere where there's a need for accurate, flexible investigation and measurement. It is especially attractive to motion system manufacturers (and machine integrators), research laboratories and academic institutions carrying out detailed motion system analysis; in fact anywhere where live review of data is useful. For example, servo tuning and other "what if" type investigations.
