Over 50 years of aerospace improvement
We were born out of the aerospace business. Rolls-Royce was unable to find a measuring device with the accuracy it needed for Concorde's instrumentation pipes, so our founder built one. It was the touch trigger probe: a revolutionary piece of manufacturing technology that became our first product.
We offer expertise in controlling the manufacture of specialist components.
The industry has changed a lot since then, but the twin drivers of efficiency and safety remain key requirements to which our technologies contribute. We help manufacturers undertake repeatable, traceable, efficient work to the finest tolerances. We do this throughout the supply chain so that every component, not just safety critical ones, meets its design intent. Renishaw provides solutions throughout the industry in many application areas and we have particular expertise in controlling the manufacture of blades and components for engines.
Where we specialise
Improving the predictability of manufacturing to create a consistent and stable process enhances the throughput and delivery performance of supply chains.
Our measuring equipment delivers the extreme accuracy required to remedy blade wear and repair other components that demand high quality maintenance in service.
Improving the safety of components begins with quality. We are relentless in eliminating sources of variation, producing ever-finer measurement to increase the safety of components and delivering the highest standards of traceability.
Innovative materials
We're pioneering additive manufacturing (AM) solutions like lattice structures and part consolidation for lightweighting, complex internal galleries to optimise fluid flow and design for AM to enable topological optimisation.
Key areas of expertise
How can we help you?

Devices and software for accurate set-up of complex multi-tasking machine tools and CMMs.
Find out more

On-machine probing for in-process control
Machine tool probes are used for component set up, tool setting and in-cycle gauging as well as first off component inspection. This enables accurate machining processes.

Tool setting and broken tool detection
Contact and non-contact tool setting systems to detect and adjust to the condition or wear of cutting tools.

Our Equator™ gauging system offers precise and rapid gauging of even complex parts, tracking trends in machining and enabling automatic process adjustments to account for changing variables like thermal drift.

Additive manufacturing
Metal 3D printing using a range of metal powders to create strong, light components in forms impossible to achieve with traditional manufacturing.

Manufacturers around the world rely on Renishaw CMM probing systems to achieve traceable inspection of a wide range of components including blade-specific software applications.

Position encoders
Interferometric laser encoders and optical encoders for high accuracy over long distances or in tight spaces.

Raman spectroscopy
For checking the material make-up of specialist components and the quality of component surface coatings.
Want to know more about how we could help your business?
Aerospace case studies